A total of $49,943.00 was awarded to 30 Jo Daviess County not-for-profit organizations:
The Workshop, Galena
$1,100 - laundry cart replacement
Stockton Police Department
$1,010 - portable thermal scanners
Galena Art & Recreation Center
$1,000 - fitness equipment
East Dubuque Fire Department
$1,800 - pagers
Warren Township Public Library
$700 - updating children's department
St. Michael Church, Galena
$1,000 - Hispanic ministry
Hanover Fire Department
$1,000 - portable radios
Juvenile Justice Council, Galena
$1,980 - anti-bullying program
Holy Cross Church, Stockton
$1,500 - special assistance program
East Dubuque Police Department
$1,663 - computer server
Jo Daviess County Health Department
$1,000 - WIC program
St. Mary Church, Elizabeth
$3,000 - emergency assistance
Galena Police Department
$2,760 - handheld radios
Tyler's Justice Center, Stockton
$777 - forensic improvement project
Warren Ambulance
$1,500 - audio visual equipment
United Churches of Galena Food Pantry
$3,000 - produce and protein items
St. Mary, East Dubuque
$2,500 - emergency assistance
Galena Area Emergency Medical Services
$2,500 - communications systems
Volunteer Hospice of Northwest Illinois, Stockton
$930 - training and educational resources
Knights of Columbus, East Dubuque
$3,000 - emergency assistance
Jo Daviess County Mounted Patrol
$1,000 - uniforms and equipment
Caring Neighbors Food Pantry, Warren
$1,000 - milk and margarine program
Menominee-Dunleith Fire Department
$615 - two-way radios
St. Mary and St. Michael churches, Galena
$1,000 - community assistance
Stockton Police Youth Group
$1,200 - equipment replacement
Galena Elk's Lodge
$3,000 - Christmas baskets
Hanover Township Public Library
$2,000 - adult and children's books
Stockton Ambulance
$1,910 - first responder and oxygen bags
Warren Fire Department
$998 - tools and small equipment
Riverview Center, Galena
$3,500 - violence prevention education and domestic violence emergency shelter
The funds for these grants were made available from the proceeds of the 2010 Galena Country Fair event. None of the money from the profit of the fair was used toward administrative support of this group, it is strictly a volunteer organization.